Yield.App: The Future of Banking

Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2021


I’m Tiago Noronha, co-founder of YIELD Hub. We aggregate, fact check and help distribute the best content about YIELD, the state of the economy and sustainable investments.

2021 is on road to be one of the best years for cryptocurrencies. All time highs in every token you see, people talking about CeFi, DeFi and other things you have no clue about!

New users entering the cryptocurrency space don’t want to learn about complicated thing like liquidity pools, web3, CeFi, DeFi, gas prices and limits. Users want to deposit their money and earn on it, same way as a bank account would do. One button to deposit, one button to invest, one button to withdraw, that’s it. And this is where Yield.App comes in.

What is Yield.App?

Yield.App is “DeFi Banking in our pocket”. A bloomberg-esque terminal on the backend with a mobile banking application on the frontend.

Ok, so what exactly does this mean? Well, basically it aims to bring DeFi to the masses, in the simplest way possible. It’s the bridge between someone who never heard about cryptocurrencies before, and complex investment instruments.

And how does it work? Well it’s as easy as this:

  1. Deposit
  2. 1-Click Invest
  3. Profit!

There is nothing more to it. The interface is clean and simple, the earnings are displayed clearly, and rewards are paid daily. YIELD was founded by Tim Frost (CEO), Justin Wright (CFO, COO) and Dr. Jason Corbett (General Counsel) in November 2020.

Tim is Fintech entrepreneur since 2014. He was part of the founding team at Wirex, for the first 18 months, and since then he has had multiple experience in a number of early-stage blockchain companies such as QTUM, NEO, Paxful, etc.

So.. how does YIELD make money?

Great question! Well basically DeFi has 3 major pain points:

  • Complexity: Gathering data, analyzing opportunities, managing volatility, making quick decisions, and navigating between tools is no easy feat.
  • High Fees: Fees make it hard to maximize returns, leaving you to see DeFi as inaccessible and unprofitable.
  • Fraud: Having your money online comes with its own security risks and potential set of scams.

And so what they do is they monitor and evaluate potential market-neutral strategies across the DeFi ecosystem, including liquidity mining, arbitrage, liquidations, margin & collateralized lending, and other income-producing strategies, so we don’t have to!

To put this in friendlier terms, they use the assets deposited to generate yield (hence the name, right? :D), and use that yield to pay out the rewards and fund their development. Easy as that.

YLD token? What is that and why should I care?

Well the YLD token is the platform’s utility token. It allows you to qualify for tiers, which in turn gives you higher APY on your assets!

YLD reward tiers

Currently YLD is available for purchase on BitMax, Uniswap and Bithumb Global.

How much can I earn?

The formula to calculate the rewards is quite simple. You always get 10% base on your investments + 2% in YLD on your USDC + USDT investments. As we have seen, the more YLD you have, the more you will receive in YLD on YLD, and YLD on USDC/USDT.

Here is a rough description of the formula:

10%*(value in $ of USDC/USDT) + (bonus APY on Investments)*(value in $ of USDC/USDT) + (APY on YLD)*(value in $ of YLD)

So let’s imagine these 3 scenarios:

  • 1k USDC + 0 YLD tokens;
  • 0 USDC + 20k YLD tokens;
  • 1k USDC + 20k YLD tokens;

For the sake of the calculation, let’s imagine 1 YLD = 1$.

So for the first scenario you would receive:

10%*1k (paid in USDC/USDT) + 2%*1k (paid in YLD) + 2%*0k (paid in YLD) = 100$ USDC + 20$ YLD

Rewards for 1k USD

For the second scenario, the math would be:

10%*0k (paid in USDC/USDT) + 2%*0k (paid in YLD) + 10%*20k (paid in YLD) = 0$ USDC + 2k$ YLD

Rewards for 20k YLD

And finally, for the third scenario, here is the math:

10%*1k (paid in USDC/USDT) + 10%*1k (paid in YLD) + 10%*20k (paid in YLD) = 100$ USDC + 2.1k$ YLD

The calculator is available here so you can experiment with different values!

Is there a roadmap available?

Yes there is! There are some juicy things coming our way! I’ll leave some here below to catch your interest:

  • iOS and Android mobile apps;
  • Open deposits for BTC, ETH, wBTC, DAI and other stablecoins;
  • Enable coin and token swaps within the platform;
  • Finalize and open fiat on-ramps that are cost-effective for our users;
  • Continue to pursue the best-available partnership for a debit card program;

Check out what’s coming more here!

Where can I learn more about Yield?

Great question! Check out the Yield.app website for all the information! Also check Youtube, Twitter and Telegram where you can check for more updates!

